Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Constructed fun, the unexpected roar

I've been tinkering with my Druid Swarm deck a little. I was going for rush, but it just wasn't feeling as quick as it could be. There needed to be some oomph in the way of some chargers.

Initial swapouts have the Ooze's and Shattered Sun Cleric's out. They're both great cards, but not quick enough. In comes Bluegill Warrior and Wolfrider. Technically weaker on their own, but the charge is what I need.
Starfire is out, it's just too expensive. Starfall is in. It's still 5 damage, but costs 5 instead of 6, and, I can alternatively choose to have a 2 damage AoE. The additional card draw is gone, and it can't be aimed at the enemies head, but I'm not sure how relevant either of those things has been to date.
A few other minor jumbles around, and I squeezed a knife juggler in there to see how he plays out. Just a 3/2 for 2 is pretty solid, but the random knives may occasionally allow me to scrape out something extra.

Here's a clip of my first play with the modified deck:

I feel like the Shaman thought he had held off the rush deck and was regaining the board.
Clearly mistaken.

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